RBS Trip Programme – 2024
**Please note: We would like intending participants to give the leader a call during the week before the trip. This will give the leader an idea of the party, and enable them to give you any last minute information. If the leader is not available contact Paul Cashmore 07 349-7432 (wk), or 027 650 7264.
The meeting place for all trips, unless otherwise stated, is the carpark between the Convention Centre and the Police Station, Fenton Street, Rotorua (hereinafter called “the carpark Rotorua”). We will carpool with a donation for petrol expenses for cars/boats to drivers please.
Reminder to trip leaders
Please remember to collect the first aid kit and PLB (Personal Locator Beacon) from Paul Cashmore or supply your own. You are also responsible for delegating the writing up of the trip report or writing it yourself and getting it to the editor within 4 weeks of the trip. A very brief report is much better than no report! Please email the report to: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] (Note: Microsoft Word compatible preferred).
Saturday 27 Jan – Mon 29 January Auckland Anniversary Weekend Trip – Rangitoto Station, Northern Pureora (Combined with Waikato Botanical Society)
Organiser: Dell Hood , [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] or 027 521 9260. Would those potentially interested in coming on this weekend please let Dell know before Christmas to assist with planning.
Where: Rangitoto Station, a 427 ha reserve owned by Native Forest Restoration Trust, north of Pureora. Access is via rather rough rural roads – further details will be sent to intending participants
Accommodation: A fully equipped house with electricity, fridge, microwave etc and a former woolshed developed to tramping hut standards with gas cooking and solar powered lighting. The house sleeps ~12, the woolshed can accommodate a larger number. The two buildings are very close and camping is also permitted. Participants supply all food, bedding etc and own cooking gear is desirable for the woolshed. More information about the reserve is available at https://www.nfrt.org.nz/reserves/rangitoto-station/ This site has links to track information and the house but does not mention the woolshed as it is normally reserved for hunters.
Grade: Easy to moderate. There are multiple tracks, some of unsealed road standard
Cost: $20/person/night but given that NFRT has decided to raise the charge for the house to $30/night for new bookings from 01 Jan additional donations to NFRT would be gratefully received, with receipts provided.
Meeting place: As both Waikato and Rotorua contingents will need to collect a key en route, participants need to travel in one group and enter and if possible and leave together as the locked entrance is several kms from the accommodation. Saturday 0930am – 10am meeting at the accommodation would be realistic (TBC)
Given the rough nature of the road access carpooling is desirable. The roads are negotiable by any car but travel is slow and care must be taken. The reserve is very popular with hunters who normally use the woolshed accommodation. They are permitted access to help with vertebrate predator control. The gate must remain locked because poaching is a problem. No hunters have been granted access for Anniversary Weekend.
As for the walks, there are defined tracks some of which are suitable for farm vehicles, one leads up to a transmitter site. A range of walks from short to longer ones are available for all abilities. It would be fine for less agile folk to do short walks near the accommodation.
Any questions are welcome and more specific information will be circulated to intending participants nearer the date of the trip.
18th February – Handcock Road, Te Kopia Forest, Paeroa Range (with Waikato Botanical Society
Leader: Jacqui Bond ph 021 1259 273, E-mail [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet 8:15 am Rotorua Council carpark or 9 am at the gate at the end of Handcock Road, off SH 5 (between Waiotapu and Mihi)
With permission from the Handcock family we can visit this private forest block in the Paeroa Range. This block is sandwiched between Reporoa and Waikite Valley and often not explored due to difficulty in accessing the reserve which is surrounded by private land or cliffs! This mixed broadleaf/podocarp reserve goes from 600-1000 m and still contains rare species such as Peraxilla tetrapetala and dactylanthus. Last year’s trip explored bush adjacent to trapping lines lower down in the block, this year (depend on condition of the tracks) we hope to explore higher up in the quintinia forest, where there is evidence of the selective logging of huge totara and overgrown skid sites. Famous blue mushrooms (Entoloma hochstetteri) have been found here in the past!
Saturday 9 March – RBS 40th anniversary field trip – Okareka wetland walkway, Acacia Road, Lake Okareka
Leader: Rob Fairley 021 024 77614 [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: 9.00 am at Lake Okareka Walkway carpark, Acacia Rd, Lake Okareka (just past Playnes (Longford) farm on RHS).
Grade: Easy
We will walk along the Rotorua Lakes Council boardwalk and walkway to botanise the lakeshore vegetation and turfs along the lake/farm edge. A range of wetland vegetation is present here depending on lake level. We will continue through some small lake edge forest remnants including kamahi and northern rata to the Lake Okareka outlet which has a range of aquatic and wetland plant species. Return the way we came. If time permits we will shuttle people to end of Acacia Road to botanise Taumaihi, an old pa site at end of Acacia peninsula which is part of Lake Okareka Scenic Reserve with old rewarewa-kamahi vegetation present.
Followed by RBS 40th anniversary function -Celebrating 40 years of RBS!
Host: Sarah Beadel and Willie Shaw 021‑924‑476; [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Venue and time: 67a Te Puea Road, Tikitere.
-5 pm. Drinks, nibbles and a garden tour/botanical exploration of Sarah and Willie’s wonderful native plant garden with over 300 native plant species present from all over NZ as featured in the Rotorua Garden Festival!
-6:00pm (approx) till late – Dinner, drinks, speeches and celebrations to mark the occasion of RBS’s birthday!!
Bring - Powerpoint slides of your past RBS trips – older the better on memory stick preferably?
Food and drink: Will be provided by RBS.
Come and celebrate 40 years of botanising throughout the Bay of Plenty and central North Island. All current and previous members and partners welcome. If you tire of reminiscing, then Sarah and Willie’s garden supports over 300 indigenous plant species – see if you can find them all. We are looking forward to celebrating with you. Please pass this invitation on to any previous members of the Society who are now based in other parts of New Zealand.
Please RSVP to Sarah by Wednesday 6 March at latest please for catering purposes indicating if you have any special dietary requirements.
Saturday 23 March – Mt Tarawera (Combined with Forest and Bird)
Leader: Paul Cashmore 07 349 7432 (wk) or 027 650 7264 [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: DOC Ashpit Road campground, Lake Rerewhakaaitu at 7:45 am.
Grade: Medium-Hard, and in particular, confidence in walking on steep mobile scoria slopes and along high and sharp ridges is needed.
Registration: Minimum age 14 years old. Maximum of 20 people on trip on a first come basis but must register first with Paul Cashmore by Monday 11 March at latest.
Cost: Free
Bring: Minimum 2 litres water, lunch and snacks, wet weather and warm gear, sun hat, sunblock, boots or sturdy shoes, gaiters and/or leggings an advantage for loose scoria, gloves for pulling out pines.
We will be driven to the top of Mt Tarawera by 4WD bus and vehicle to the crater rim and hear a bit about the history and ecological values of the mountain. We will be led by Ruawahia trustees and Rotorua Botanical Society with assistance from Kaitiaki Tours. This year we will cross the crater onto ‘the fan’ between Ruawahia and Wahanga domes with time to take in the flora, fauna and 360 degree views of the Bay of Plenty. We will then spend the rest of the day on the Tarawera ‘fan’ helping to handpull wilding conifer seedlings to assist the Ruawahia Wilding Conifer Project which aims to control the spread of wilding conifers in order to protect the unique values on the mountain.
6 April – Rotorua Botanical Society/Landcare Okareka Mistletoe Restoration Project Weed Control/Plant Releasing Work Day
Leader: Paul Cashmore 07 349 7432 (wk) or 027 650 7264 [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: Cnr Summit and Loop Roads, Okareka (lake end) @ 8:45 am
Grade: Medium-Hard – Activities suitable for all ages and abilities will be provided. This will include releasing our plantings from weed growth and doing further weed control
13th April– Moutohora (Whale Island) Combined with Eastern Bay Forest and Bird
Leader: Jo Bonner (0274 715 684) email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: White Island Rendezvous Carpark- (time will be based on the tides details to follow)
Grade: Medium
Cost: $120.00- cost of the charter vessel. Ngati Awa Tourism have kindly kept the cost to this rate especially for us. Preference booking for those who were listed on previous years cancelled trips.
Transport: Charter boat Ngati Awa Tourism Ltd. (24 people max)
This trip is subject to weather, vessel availability and DOC approval. Interested members are asked to register by 31 March, contact trip leader as numbers are limited. The hope is to explore an area on Moutohora, the Island has been regenerating from goat and rabbit predation, they were finally completely removed in 1985. The last botanical survey was completed in 1989- 90, which has informally been added to since. The goal would be to assess and record the transformation of the island biodiversity as the coastal forest matures back to its former state.
Saturday 18th May - Moutohora (Whale Island) Combined with Eastern Bay Forest and Bird
Leader: Jo Bonner (0274 715 684) email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: White Island Rendezvous Carpark- (time will be based on the tides details to follow)
Grade: Medium
Cost: $120.00- cost of the charter vessel. Ngati Awa Tourism have kindly kept the cost to this rate especially for us. Preference booking for those who were listed on previous years cancelled trips.
Transport: Charter boat Ngati Awa Tourism Ltd. (24 people max)
This trip is subject to weather, vessel availability and DOC approval. Interested members are asked to reregister by 8 May, contact trip leader as numbers are limited. The hope is to explore an area on Moutohora, the Island has been regenerating from goat and rabbit predation, they were finally completely removed in 1985. The last botanical survey was completed in 1989- 90, which has informally been added to since. The goal would be to assess and record the transformation of the island biodiversity as the coastal forest matures back to its former state.
Saturday 8 June – Otamarakau Dunes and Wetlands
Leader : Sarah Beadel 021‑924‑476; [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: Rotorua carpark at 8 am or Pikowai Campground at 9 am
Grade: Easy to Moderate
Trip 4 to the Matatā-Otamarakau Dunes. Enjoy a late autumn day, hopefully in the sun, exploring the dunes west of the Pikowai Motorcamp, which will be a good place to park. There are wetlands (including Machaerina articulata, raupō, and Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani), low dune vegetation (spinifex, Muehlenbeckia, Ficinia nodosa, Lachnagrostis billardierei, Carex pumila, and Oxalis rubens), and there may be some Kunzea toelkenii (Thornton kanuka, a local threatened endemic) which we saw in 2023 just to the east of the area we will be exploring in 2024. Other species to look out for include native Zoysia pauciflora and possibly Poa billardierei.
Monday 17 June - Annual General Meeting and Guest Speakers – Graeme Jane and Gael Donaghy
Venue : Wildland Consultants Meeting Room, Scion Campus, off Titokorangi Drive (formerly Longmile Road) which is off Tarawera Road, Rotorua. Take the side road on the right before Scion
Reception and Eastwood Cafe carpark. Note: Entry gate will be attended from 5.45pm to 6.15pm for entry - plan to arrive on time!
Time : 6pm, AGM at 6.30pm
Cheese and other finger-food, wine and juice will be provided.
Following the meeting there will be guest speakers Graeme Jane and Gael Donaghy who will speak on “In the footsteps of Linnaeus”. This presentation will retrace the many historical sites in Sweden that are associated with the life of Linnaeus – the father of modern botanical nomenclature. Graeme and Gael have visited and photographed many of these sites in their travels around Sweden and will share their photographs and recollections with us during this presentation.
Sunday 7 July - Burt Farm, Matata Straight (SH 2).
Leader: Bill Clark 07-3228401, 021 08977261
Meet: Rotorua carpark 8:30am or corner Mimiha Rd- SH 2- 9.30 am. Transport- 4 wheel drive- but support transport available.
Grade: Medium
This coastal sheep/beef/forestry property overlooks the sea. It has two significant gullies of mature pohutukawa, puriri and borders a DOC Reserve. One area is easy to access the other very steep. The farm also has a number of Pa sites/ kumara caves and evidence of early Maori settlement which adds interest .
Last year a Bot.Soc field trip botanised the coastal dune area that borders the farm (SH2 in between)- much of the regenerating stock in the dunes is likely to have come (bird assisted) from the Burt farm.
While it is unlikely to contain plants of high botanical status I would recommend the day to all Bot. Soc’rs- Its a great opportunity to visit a very special part of our rohe and provide the property owners with data to assist them in their planning to protect these areas.
Sunday 4 August – Waitekohekohe Rec Park, near Thompsons Track, Eastern Kaimais
Leader: Graeme Jane & Gael Donaghy 07 5703123 [Enable JavaScript to view protected content].
Meet : The carpark Rotorua at 8.30 am or 10 am at Corner of SH2 and Thompsons Track Road
Grade : Easy, with possible creek crossing.
The park is a large area between Thompsons Track Road and Lund Road recently established for mountain bike and horse recreation with secondary consideration for hikers. Much of the area is in pines and extensively tracked but there is a broad forest remnant along the Waitekohekohe stream. Walking tracks are being developed in this area. There are good stands of puriri/kohekohe, kahikatea and podocarps amongst scattered and varied secondary scrub. Known highlights are two areas of swamp maire and a rare patch of Peperomia tetraphylla.
Sunday 1 September – Lake Rotoma Scenic Reserve, Whangaroa Inlet
Leader: Paul Cashmore 07 349 7432 (wk) or 027 650 7264 [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: Meet at Rotorua carpark 8:30am or cnr of Oxford Rd-SH30 by playground 9:15am
Grade Medium
We will cross SH 30 and follow edge of Whangaroa Inet around to Hikataua Point return. Some excellent examples of rimu-tawa forest are present with lakeshore turfs and shrubland on margins of Lake Rotoma. If the lake is still very high we will travel further east over the Rotoma hills on SH 30 to “Tunnicliffes Track’ an old unmarked logging road that runs south thru to Maungawhakamana. This provides good access into heart of Rotoma Conservation Area where we will some large unlogged rimu specimens along with rimu-tawa dominated forest with kohekohe and nikau in places. This area has not been seriously botanised in any depth before.
Sunday 6 October – Nukuhou North
Leader: Lyle Millar ph 07 3123 221 (A/H) [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: Meet at Rotorua carpark 8:00am or 9:30am at very end of Burnett Rd, Nukuhou North.
Grade: Moderate
We will explore a 30 acre native forest bush remnant on Lyle Millars farm which is five minutes walk from the roadend. The forest is now deer fenced with impressive regrowth with ten sites to monitor on an on-going basis. In additional to botanising the remnant Lyle would like some help to establish some vegetation monitoring to record the changes occurring in the forest.
19 October - Rotorua Botanical Society/Landcare Okareka Mistletoe Restoration Project Weed Control/Plant Releasing Work Day
Leader: Paul Cashmore 07 349 7432 (wk) or 027 650 7264 [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: Cnr Summit and Loop Roads, Okareka (lake end) @ 8:45 am
Grade: Medium-Hard – Activities suitable for all ages and abilities will be provided. This will include releasing our plantings from weed growth and doing further weed control.
Saturday 2 - Sunday 3 November –Motu River revisited - Pukemauri
Trip Contact: Paul Cashmore 027 650 7264 [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Trip Leader: Clarke Koopu, 0272329960 [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: TBC
Grade: Moderate-hard
Accommodation: No hut. Tents, Hammocks, fly’s recommended.
Bring: Full camp kit for one night, food, warm cloths etc.
The plan is to head up the Motu river. But it will be a 30-40 min jet boat ride up the river to an area called Pukemauri. Very remote – isolated. Further details to come
Sat 30 November - Sun 1 December – Pohokura (private land south of Whirinaki, north of Napier-Taupo highway)
Leaders: Rhys Burns 027-2051939; [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]
Meet: Rotorua at Sat 8am (other meeting places TBC); vehicles with high clearance best (4WD). About a 2 hour drive from Rotorua, about half on gravel roads.
Bookings: You will need to book in with Rhys at least 4 weeks prior (1 November) so he can arrange permits, please send him the following details - drivers name and drivers licence, make, model, number plate and color of vehicle, insurance details. And let him know how many spaces free in your vehicle.
Grade: Easy-medium
Accommodation: Some limited bunk accommodation in 2 huts, otherwise plenty of space for tents. Limited cooking facilities are available in the hut (gas stove top), along with some pots, pans and cutlery, but it may pay to bring your own cooking equipment and gas.
Bring: sleeping bag, food for 2 days (1 night), tent, air mattress (if required)
Description: Previously known as Pine Milling, this is a very large private block consisting of 12,000 ha of beech forest, rivers, frost flats and subalpine shrubland. The frost flats are mainly fire-induced, but substantial areas of Taupo pumice have also created the conditions to develop this habitat. Since the current owner took possession over 20 years ago there have been a variety of conservation actions to improve the ecological condition of the block. The area also receives occasional aerial 1080 operations courtesy of Ospri. A substantial population of several hundred Pittosporum turneri has responded to this control by maturing from juvenile to adult foliage, with accompanying flowering and fruiting, and new specimens of beech-hosted Peraxilla mistletoes are constantly being discovered. There are also many waterways, ecotone shrubland, and some wetlands and bluffs to explore. An area of frost flat to protect P. turnerii has also been deer fenced to protect the area from ungulate browse, so a comparison of these browsed and unbrowsed areas could be worthwhile. This area was botanised by the Society in 2000 (see newsletter number 38), and both Sarah Beadel and Willie Shaw have botanised the area extensively. We are aiming for this trip to try to cover some of the gaps in these records, with an emphasis on trying to discover flowering orchids and some wetland species that should be more prevalent at this time of the year. There are however several options that we can be quite flexible about the areas people are interested in botanising. For convenience, most sites we will be botanising can be accessed by driving, but the terrain can quickly become very rough off-track. Bird life includes kakariki, falcon, rifleman, fernbird and whio. We may hear kiwi calling at night.
Schedule: Saturday: arrive before midday, sort accommodation and gear, then botanise the immediately adjacent frost flat areas containing coral lichens, orchids and the threatened Pittosporum turneri.
Sunday: Different trips continue to botanise the extensive frost flats, while others can explore forest areas and bluffs.
Climate: we will be camping at the lowest altitude part of Pohokura (700m asl), so be prepared for both hot and freezing conditions, sunny or very wet. We are camping in a frost flat area so it could be very cold even at this time of year. The site gets many days of severe frost each year, as well as snow in most winters. The huts/camping area is immediately adjacent to the river, so there is swimming if the weather is warm in freezing water!
Lunch, drink, waterproof parka, warm hat, sturdy shoes or boots, sunblock, hand lens, note book, pen & pencil, first aid kit*, compass, GPS, map, whistle, aerial photos, plant species lists, money for driver’s petrol expenses.